About Us

About Eastern Forest HOA

Frequently Asked Questions

These frequently asked questions have been compiled to assist our residents and prospective residents with information about the Eastern Forest community. These answers are general in nature. Please refer to the Eastern Forest Covenants and other Guidelines for more detailed answers.

These guidelines are available here and in our members’ area and can be downloaded for your records. All residents are encouraged to read and understand them.
Eastern Forest HOA Sunset View
  • What is the Eastern Forest Home Owners Association (EFHOA)?

    The Eastern Forest Home Owners Association is a non-profit corporation that was established at the time our community was developed. The Association is comprised of all the owners of property within Eastern Forest, with membership transferring from owner to owner when a property is sold.

  • What is the purpose of the EFHOA?

    The Association supports the residents of Eastern Forest and is responsible for the administrative and support services required by the Covenants and By-Laws. The assessment dues that are collected from each owner pay for the support services. Island area and front entrance grounds and landscape maintenance and administrative expenses such as printing and postage, legal fees, banking, insurance, etc.) are just a few of these services.

  • Who are the Board of Directors and what do they do?

    The Association has a Volunteer Board of Directors, homeowners who have volunteered their time and energies on behalf of the Eastern Forest community. Their job is to see that the common areas are maintained, propose to the Association a budget, oversee the budget, ensure that financial obligations of the Association are met, appoint committee members, etc. New Board Members are volunteers that serve a one year term. There can be up to 12 Board of Director members.

  • When are the Association meetings?

    Board of Directors meetings are currently held as required to take care of the neighborhood’s business on the behalf of the Association Members. Members who wish to place an item on the agenda for discussion at a meeting, or who wish to speak to the Board about a problem or concern, should notify a Board Member in advance to schedule time for adequate discussion. Annual Membership meeting is held in October. The location is announced when the Board sends out the Agenda for the Homeowner’s Meeting. Several weeks prior to the meeting, each homeowner is sent a notice specifying the date, time, and place of the meeting as well as agenda items. All Association members are strongly encouraged to attend.

  • When are Assessments due and where do I send them?

    Homeowner’s Assessments are billed annually, in late September or early October. The Board sends each homeowner an invoice informing them of the amount of the assessment, due date, where to send payment, etc. Homeowners should contact a the Board prior to the due dates if they do not receive an invoice. An address is included with the invoice so that Homeowners will know where to remit the assessment.

  • What happens if I don’t pay my assessment?

    A late fee of $25 is added when the Assessment is not paid by the due date. An  additional invoice is sent to all homeowners who have failed to meet the deadline. If the Assessment remains unpaid, delinquent homeowners may be  turned over to an attorney for collection. If the Assessment continues uncollected, the Board has the authority to file a Lien against the homeowner’s property until the Assessment has been paid in full.

  • Are there any leash laws and laws about picking up after pets?

    The City of Montgomery has leash laws that require all domestic animals to be leashed and under control of their owner when not on private property. Pet owners should also clean up after their pets’ deposits on personal as well as common property. Failure to observe these laws can result in a fine being issued by Montgomery Animal Control.

  • When is trash collected in Eastern Forest?

    Currently, the green containers are collected each Tuesday and Friday morning. Wednesday collections are provided by the City for collection of tree branches, leaves and other debris which will not fit into the City provided trash containers. Additional information regarding the types and quantities of trash that will be picked up can be found at the CITY OF MONTGOMERY WEBSITE.

  • What is the Parking Policy in Eastern Forest?

    Vehicle parking in driveways and on the street in front of houses is limited to temporary parking of guests or resident’s vehicles, licensed and in current use. Overnight parking of vehicles on the street is prohibited, as is parking in the grass. Please review your Eastern Forest Covenants for complete details of these restrictions.

  • What do I need to do when I am ready to sell my home?

    If you are planning to sell your Eastern Forest home, you should verify that there are no outstanding obligations to the Association, since these continue to be your responsibility and could cause a delay in the settlement of the sale of your home.

  • When do I need to get approval for changes to the exterior of my property?

    Specific information regarding types of exterior improvements that require Architectural Review Committee approval can be found in the Covenants. A few examples of work that requires approval include installation of fences, decks, patios and pools. Homeowners also should check the Architectural Regulations prior to doing any exterior window replacement, or other exterior project to ensure that approved materials are being used for the project.

  • If I am having a problem with a neighbor for a violation of the Covenants, what can I do?

    Residents should first attempt to resolve a situation between themselves.  If the issue can not be resolved through neighborly means, contact a Board member to explain the situation. The Association Board does not involve itself in situations that are a matter of City, State or Federal Law and Ordinances.

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